The arrival of the coronavirus will undoubtedly be a before and after in our lives, also for our faces. Perhaps our skin is no longer affected by pollution or sun rays like before, but the confinement and the lack of air are might be causing flaking and pimples.
In this situation it is essential that you don’t forget about your skin and take advantage of these days of quarantine to take care of it and pamper it properly. Here are some tips:
If your case is severe, a dermatologist can evaluate the skin problem during a video call and prescribe a medication. So if you're concerned about a rash, hives, acne, rosacea, or a suspicious mole, consider requesting a virtual appointment to calm your nerves.
Some researchers claim that it takes 15 to 21 days to gain a habit. Now it’s the perfect time to use that cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and night routine that your dermatologist indicated and that you could never adapt to.
We all have some ingredients at home to make a face mask. Now it’s time to do it: apply it for 15 minutes, remove it and massage your face (always in an ascending way).

Dispose of products that are expired or have expired according to the PAO (period after opening - period once opened). It is a logo that appears behind the products as an open box with a number and a letter M. It represents the months that, that product lasts in optimal conditions once opened.
Now that we have more free time it is time to clean our cosmetics. The brushes can store bacteria by the accumulation of the products used in them and pass directly to our face. We recommend washing them with warm water and neutral shampoo (that of babies, for example) until the water runs clean, drain with a towel and let them dry upside down to avoid moisture at the base of the brush. This procedure should be done at least once a month.
If you're just starting out in the world of skincare, find a product that suits your skin's needs right now, and try it out in a small area first to make sure your skin can tolerate it.
At Ammaterre we have the theory that perhaps confinement has become the perfect opportunity to spend the time our skin deserves, to keep it hydrated and healthy in order to be able to look prettier than ever when we can go outside again.